Have you ever met someone who has fatigue or pains on a regular basis?
Imagine having a disability and being called a liar or excuse giver just because people cannot see and understand your disability. It is estimated that 1 out of 10 people in the world have a medical condition which could be considered a invisible disability.
Here are few facts about Invisible Disability that you must know:
What is Invisible Disability ?
Invisible disabilities, or Hidden Disabilities are the ones that are not immediately visible or noticeable. They can include brain injuries, chronic pain, mental illness, bipolar disorder, depression and many more. These can be easily overlooked and misunderstood.

List of Invisible Disability:
Though there is a wide spectrum of disabilities that qualify as invisible disability, here are few that you must know about:
A. Autism: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad term used to describe a group of mental developmental disorders. Autism is characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior.
B. ADHD: ADHD is a mental health disorder that can cause above-normal levels of hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. People with ADHD usually have trouble paying attention, act without thinking about the result, or are overly active. Although ADHD can’t be cured, it can be successfully managed and some symptoms may improve with ages.
C. Anxiety Disorders: This is different from anxiety that a person feel under stress from an event like speaking in public or meeting a work deadline. Anxiety disorders often accompany another form of physical or mental illness, or substance or alcohol abuse.

3. People are often silent about invisible disabilities :
It is quite possible that a person with invisible disability is unaware of his/ her own disability. Specially in case of anxiety, bipolar disorders, depression etc. And sometimes people do not talk about there condition because they fear being misunderstood or discriminated specially at the work place.

4. How you can help if your employee has a invisible disabilities:
Talk to your employee and make him / her comfortable to talk about there disability. Help them get the right medical help. If possible provide counselling both for the employee and there family. Finally, conduct a Disability Awareness Program for your staff. This will sensitize them towards various disabilities and teach them to effectively help there peers with disability.
5. Disability Awareness Programs:
Anuprayaas conducts Disability Awareness Programs for Employees and have sensitized more than 8500 people through our programs.
Click on below link to reach us for conducting a Disability Awareness Program for your employees